
Why you need a website

By sasha
Why your company needs a website

Why your company needs a website

Websites work. Regardless of your business or profession, a website can generate business, promote your message among customers and potential partners, and deliver strong marketing messages – whether your business is small, large or in between, well established or brand new.

People are using the Internet more and more, more and more every day. Even if you are a completely local small business, service provider, contractor or consultant, chances are that people have used search engines to search for your website – and if you don’t have a website … as well as that you don’t exist in the digital age.

Your company’s website provides a picture of customers and potential partners, to work 24/7/365.

Digital signs in your stores

Perhaps the most common misconception about business websites is that they have to offer products to buy, accept credit cards and process financial transactions and so on. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Although e-commerce websites are becoming increasingly popular, the vast majority of business websites are still focused on information and communication rather than shopping. If your business offers products and services suitable for online retail sales, then you should consider an e-commerce website.

But if, like most companies, your products and services are not intended for online sales, you still need a website. And you can get it quickly and economically.

The first thing you will need is a web hosting service – this is the address of your company’s website and the company that actually stores your company’s website on its servers and makes it available to web users.

Select a domain name

Ideally, the address of your website will match the name of your company, such as ABC.com; but, in reality, many addresses are already occupied. If this is the case for you, consider the original address / name of the website that reflects your business: ABCmojgrad.com, maybe or something similar. Remember: the address of your website should provide the name of your company as close as possible, as if it is both memorable and recognizable. You need to keep in mind that the address of your website is also a marketing tool.

You have decided to create a website and become globally available to your customers and potential partners, it is time to take a few steps

Hiring a web hosting service

Depending on the type and scope of work you currently have and the projections of where you see your company in the future, you need to choose the right hosting for your website. Many companies offer this type of service, but it is very important to choose the appropriate scalable package, level of service, otherwise you will be forced to change packages or even the company from which you leased the service and thus create new costs.

Website design

The design of a responsive website is of great importance nowadays, when users are using mobile phones and tablets more to browse the internet, than has been the case before. It is necessary to think about how to properly register with an Internet browser and how to adapt your site to search engine algorithms as much as possible. Also, the inevitable social media must certainly be incorporated into the website itself and vice versa, so as to make a full circle of your presence on the global network.


Of course, all of this doesn’t have to be complicated and you don’t have to be an IT mag to become globally present.

We can help you and organize web hosting companies, domains and services for the maintenance of services and services related to them.

Now that you are familiar with a few things to consider when designing a website for your business, it is time to take the first step …